say yes to life, to love, to God

Facility Use Forms - Celebration Center
Please download and fill out the Facility Use Expectations Form.
After completing these forms, scan and send back to beckyr@firstsayyes.com or return to the church office during our office hours.
Your room is not secured until these forms are completed, returned, and approved.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 660.827.2993
Facility Use Forms -
Thompson Site
Please download and fill out the Facility Use Expectations Form.
After completing these forms, scan and send to holly@firstsayyes.com or return to the Celebration Center during our office hours..
Your room is not secured until these forms are completed, returned, and approved.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 660.827.2993

Fusion Room -
Celebration Center
The Fusion Room is our gym located in the Celebration Center.
After downloading and completing the forms below, scan and send to Christopher at christopher@firstsayyes.com or return to the Celebration Center during our office hours.
If you have any questions, please contact Christopher or call the church office at 660.827.2993
Event & Wedding Forms -
Thompson Site
Please download the Event Form or Wedding Form.
After completing these forms, scan and send to holly@firstsayyes.com or return to the Celebration Center during our office hours.
Your room is not secured until these forms are completed, returned, and approved.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 660.827.2993

Amplify Media
start finding resources to study with a small group or individual Bible studies
Contact the church office at 660.827.2993 for
the link and user code.
Our newsletter is emailed every two weeks. If you would like to have the newsletter emailed to you, you can contact Becky Rayl, church secretary, at beckyr@firstsayyes.com.
To receive daily updates about the ministry opportunities in life of the church, follow our
Facebook page!